The demand for the financial services is on the rise these days. There are many people who are not able to manage their finances in the best way and that’s the reason why they are looking for the financial service provider who can assist them managing their finances. And this creates the right kind of chance for you to operate as the financial service provider in the market. Operating at this position can be very rewarding for you. But before that you must have the right kind of license which can help you operate as a valid service provider in this business. For this first you need to set up FSP company. And when you are looking for this, you also need to understand what the financial services are and what sort of work a financial service provider can do for the clients.

· Deliver advices
As the financial service provider you can offer financial services to the clients or you can offer certain intermediary services like insurance and brokerage services. Once you are able to receive the FSP company license, you will also be able to deliver advices and suggestions to the clients about how they can manage their finances. You can even manage their finances and can get commission from them. Working as a financial service provider can bring great rewards for you. While managing other’s finances or advising them about managing the same, you can make more money.
· Offer importance to licensing
No matter what business you prefer to do, there is always a need to operate it in a more legitimate manner. And this where licensing plays a very vital role!